While our identity does not reside in our children, God has used ours to bless us and mark our lives in huge ways. He has given us Ian, who's always joyful laugh and peace reminds us of the attitude we are to have at all times, receiving everything as a blessing by the immense grace of God. He has given us Abigail who's strong character and determination reminds us of the way we should walk in the ways of our Lord; after all, we are our Father's joy and his wisdom and goodness does not fall short in our lives. But before they came along there was Hesed, who loves every one of us in a truly unbelievable godly way. God's mercy sleeps a few steps from our bedroom and I see it's face everyday in my dear son Hesed.
Today it is this boy's eighth birthday and I still cannot believe the Lord gave us this beautiful child to us in the middle of a season when Alba and I deserved the complete opposite. When Hesed was born the Lord gave us a cheerful, curious and handsome reminder that he is for us and not against us, that his mercy is never ending and that our lives where given to him who would never let us go.
Our identity is found in Christ, and far from being mirrors in which we see ourselves, Hesed, Abigail and Ian are huge windows God has used to show us his caracter and will in our lives.
How Mom Disciples a Newborn
1 day ago
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